Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rub a Dub Tum Tum

Today has been a good day food wise.

Woke up around 10:30/11am so I didn't have breakfast. I had a medium sized bowl of cream of tomato soup for lunch with skim milk to drink, which, by the by, was delicious.

Had a caramel cashew cluster for a snack with my mom when grocery shopping, and about half of a Mountain Dew to drink. Which wasn't the best choice, but still, half a Dew is better than a full one.

And we just got done with dinner... one Cheddarwurst with ketchup and relish, some pasta salad made with rotini, cucumber, tomatoes, mozzarella, and Italian dressing, and more skim milk to drink.

In about an hour, we're going to have some homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert. Since I didn't have a ton of food for dinner, I think a small slice of angel food cake topped with fresh strawberries will be okay.

Not only that, I planned out an exercise schedule that should work for me and keep me from being discouraged.

Man, maturity is weird, yo.

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