Friday, July 25, 2008

First Step

Now that I've spent the past 30-45 minutes making a banner, organizing how I want this bitch to look, and getting all that out of the way, I can make my first official post.

For breakfast today, I had two pieces of homemade banana bread (sliced about half an inch thick), topped with some I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, aka, Fabio's Fake Butter of Choice. I also had one Dole Pineapple fruit cup, and a mug of skim milk.

I switched to skim milk this past year, as Kelly preferred 1/2% milk in the dorm, and I had a choice of either 2% or skim in Baldwin. Now I've gotten accustomed to it, and I've even managed to get my family to buy me my own gallon when they get their own 2%.

So, you know, progress.

Yesterday I did the Tony Little upper body tape with my sister. It involves a lot of ab work, bicep curls, etc. I think I might have pulled my neck a bit, which sucks, but just means I need to be more careful in the future. Or you know, not do it on a hardwood floor in my pajamas.

My room is a friggin' mess right now, and I have to work tonight, so I'm going to do some cleaning instead of full-out exercise. I figure if I bounce around and dance while I clean, it'll be about as close to an aerobic workout as I'll be getting to.

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