Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Blog? Update? Oh Shiz.

I really need someone to stand by me with a cattle prod, and then if I start to forget about this place, they can zap me.


Clearly, I have been lax in my updating. My bad yo.

I don't actually think anyone reads this, but hell, it's the PRINCIPLE of the matter. Word.

So. Had pop to stay awake and help my write my paper. = Bad

Did twenty crunches after my shower before work today. = Good

Hopefully I can learn from my past mistakes and actually make some progress here. I swear (and this time I'm going to *really* try), I'm going to be better.

Dude, I have to be.

I caught my body packing a bag the other day, and we're not taking a trip. So. You know. Gotta make amends.