Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday/Monday Food Rundown


Lunch @ 1:45 pm (McDonalds with P)
-2 doublecheeseburgers
-1 6 pc. McNuggets
-1 lg. Coke

Dinner @ 8 pm
-Bowl of Frosted Flakes with skim milk

Overview: Not the best choices... should have probably not eaten so much at McD's, but it was the farewell meal with P and it was a Packers game, so I'll let it slide. Packers rule, LIONS SUCK! :D


Breakfast @ 9 am
-Two pieces wheat toast with peanut butter
-Glass of calcium/vitamin D enriched orange juice

Lunch @ 11:30 am (now)
-Wrap containing 1 tortilla, 2 pieces turkey, small handful shredded cheddar cheese, 1/4 of a sliced green pepper, 3 slices of tomato, about a tsp and a 1/2 of ranch dressing
-Glass of skim milk

Overview: Doing a hell of a lot better today. After eating lunch, I'm going to walk back to campus instead of driving, so that will be some good exercise right there.

*Pat on back* Good job self.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I Haf Nanner Bread

My first baking attempt in this apartment was a huge success! There is nanner bread, and it is good.

I just had the very first slice, topped with butter, and it was superb. Now, I'm off to make a quick lunch, get ready for work, and then go be productive.

Today is looking like it will be a gold star day.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Update Schmupdate

Okay, so I suck at maintaining a good update pace. Now that I've admitted that, let us move on.

Since I've moved to Albion again, I think my eating habits have improved somewhat. I'm not skipping meals, and I'm even eating breakfast once in a while, which is a big thing for me. I did end up buying ice cream, Oreos, and pop, but I already feel guilty about that so I'm going to monitor how much of it I eat and keep from being a douchebag about the sweets.

Yoga completely and utterly kicked my ass today (who can bend like that?!) but it felt good. So much stretching and that goddamn downward dog kills my arms. I am a weakling, and this has only illuminated that.

I plan on trying to do 100 crunches a day, every day, until it becomes too easy. Then I'll move it up to more. I also plan on doing at least 5 minutes of jump rope. I didn't buy that jump rope for nothin'.

Only two more hours of work! Whoooooo...