Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What Is This Normalcy?

So. I ate!

Okay, so I didn't eat yesterday when I said I would.

BUT. I did have dinner. And it was tasty. And then I had a semi-normal sleep schedule. And woke up, and had LUNCH.

I'm as shocked as y'all are.

Plus, I've been doing dishes, cleaning my room, washing clothes, running errands all day.

I don't know what this productive feeling is... I'M A LITTLE FRIGHTENED.

By my awesomeness. Don't lie. I know you are too.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bad Amanda

I suck.

I majorly suck.

I spent all day yesterday sleeping, not eating, and feeling sorry for myself.

Figures that after I start this blog, I completely degenerate into bad habits and stupid behavior.


I just woke up like 10 minutes ago, so I'm going to take a shower and force myself to eat something, even if I don't feel like it.

And then clean my room. Because it's getting ridiculous looking.

Friday, July 25, 2008

First Step

Now that I've spent the past 30-45 minutes making a banner, organizing how I want this bitch to look, and getting all that out of the way, I can make my first official post.

For breakfast today, I had two pieces of homemade banana bread (sliced about half an inch thick), topped with some I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, aka, Fabio's Fake Butter of Choice. I also had one Dole Pineapple fruit cup, and a mug of skim milk.

I switched to skim milk this past year, as Kelly preferred 1/2% milk in the dorm, and I had a choice of either 2% or skim in Baldwin. Now I've gotten accustomed to it, and I've even managed to get my family to buy me my own gallon when they get their own 2%.

So, you know, progress.

Yesterday I did the Tony Little upper body tape with my sister. It involves a lot of ab work, bicep curls, etc. I think I might have pulled my neck a bit, which sucks, but just means I need to be more careful in the future. Or you know, not do it on a hardwood floor in my pajamas.

My room is a friggin' mess right now, and I have to work tonight, so I'm going to do some cleaning instead of full-out exercise. I figure if I bounce around and dance while I clean, it'll be about as close to an aerobic workout as I'll be getting to.

New Beginnings

Okay, so.

I've done the el jay thing. I've even done the blog thing.

But this is the first time I've truly done the "better yourself" blog thing.

This is that thing.

I'm currently going forward in a quest to better myself physically, mentally, all those sorts of aspects that you attempt to fix. I've never been good about motivation, but surprisingly enough, if I have someone to kick my ass once in awhile, or hold me accountable, then I can do decently well.


Here is the rundown.

According to my shiny orange scale from IKEA, I am currently 164 lbs. As I'm 5'3", that's nowhere near my ideal weight. According to the BMI, which I know isn't the best indicator, but you know, I need to be at least down to 140 lbs. to be considered out of the overweight stage.

I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which is the reason that I gained a lot of the weight I have today. I am pre-diabetic, also due to my PCOS.

Currently I have been put on Metformin and Yaz by one of my doctor's to help with my weight and hormonal issues. I am also currently going through laser hair removal for the hair growth I've had on my neck and face due to the PCOS.

Can you tell that I love the PCOS? God damn bastard.

Anywho. I'm going to use this blog to keep track of my diet (as well as I can remember), to remark about my exercise, the stuff I do to keep myself physically and mentally healthy, my disease, etc.

Read or not, comment or not, it's up to you. I would love to hear feedback and information from my friends about what they think about my progress and bitching and such, but I understand if you don't.

I'm doing this for me, whatever that entails. So. To quote that illustrious show, "Kenan and Kel"...

Aw, here it goes!